Parents as Teachers In-Home Support Program for Detroit Parents with Children ages 0-3

PAT provides parents with child development knowledge and parenting support. The primary programs goals are to increase parent knowledge of early childhood development and improve parenting practices; provide early detection of developmental delays and health issues; prevent child abuse and neglect, and increase children’s school readiness. The PAT model includes one-on-one home visits, monthly group meetings, developmental screenings, family well-being assessments and linkages and connections for families to needed resources.

Black Family Development, Inc.

Eligibility: Wayne County parents with children ages zero to three and expecting parents are served by BFDI’s Parents as Teachers program. There are no fees.
The Black Family Development, Inc. Parents as Teachers (PAT) program is an evidence based home visiting model, grounded in the philosophy that children are born ready to learn, and that a parent is a child’s first and most influential teacher.
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